Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Vitriol Factor

Two of the hardest things for me to understand are hatred and discrimination. 

Presently, the airwaves still vibrate over the "vitriol" factor connected with the trajic shooting in Tuscon last Saturday.

I was heartened this morning with the news that Congresswoman Giffords is holding her own.  All that I've seen on the news about her tells me she is a fighter.  Her goal was to help her country, make it a better place.  Hopefully, now, she still has that goal, and coming back from a bullet in the head is the first step in that direction.  I call that a hero.

But the arguments are deepening.  Does the hatred spewed by politicians, radio personalities, and Fox TV fuel violence? 

Obviously, the persons most responsible for vomiting the bitter bile over America and the rest of the world are denying the validity of the statement.  As I wrote Saturday evening on this blog, I would not take that action.  I'd said that if I were Sarah Palin, I would let the world see that I was human.  I'd play the humble card. 

If...  A big IF.  If I wanted to be respected as a serious contender for leadership. 

If I were one of those TV guys spewing the gutter filth over every living thing on the planet, infecting and attaching to the less-than intelligent hosts, the last thing I would do at this moment in time is continue the same old, same old.  A critically wounded young woman lies in the hospital.  A little girl did not wake up this morning to go to school because she was mortally and savagely shot down Saturday, as were five other United States citizens,

I would pay respect. 

But they can't do that.  The money might quit flowing in.  Yes,  hate and discrimination pay well. 

The more disgusting you become, the higher the salary.  This day, right now, given the fact innocent lives were taken in the worst way and one of our leaders is hanging on to life, the TV and radio personalities will make more hard cash than usual if they play on this tragedy.   

I will always wonder how others can listen to what I consider to be intolerable.  In order for me to appreciate life and retain an inner peace, be willing to see good in others, I have to guard against what I allow into my brain.  You take filth in; you'll put filth out. 

Another Bill Cosby truth:  "People who hurt, hurt." 

I just love that man, Cosby. 

People who feel bad about themselves make other people feel bad too.  People who are ashamed of themselvers want to shame everyone else. 

People who live in darkness want everyone to live in darkness.

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